Resources for Christian Women, Encouragement for Families

Bible Study

Venture Academy Available from Franklin Springs Media

This 16 DVD set with 38 sessions features Wade Myers, Harvard MBA.? More importantly, though, Mr. Myers is a godly man.? This set , offered by Franklin Springs Media, contains 38 sessions, 6 workbooks, and a preloaded USB drive.? Have you wanted to become an entrepreneur?? Are looking for sound teaching on this subject from a Biblical perspective?? Are you at a crossroads in your vocation?? Take a few moments to check out this resource.?

Just a few areas you’ll learn about are:



**Deuteronomy 8:18

**Productivity and Creativity

**Matthew 25 – Parable of the Talents

**Success : is it really the one with the most toys who wins?? Or is it obedience to God’s commands?

Have you considered what it means to be fruitful?? We are here on the earth to advance the Kingdom; it’s not about us.? When we bear fruit, we are glorifying our Lord.? Fruitfulness is a consequence of obedience.

There is so much more that could be said; be sure to check Venture Academy out today.

More Tidbits from Charles Bridges’ Commentary

“Child of God! let the trembling of insufficiency in thyself be stayed by the recollection of all-sufficiency in thy God.? What he demands of thee, that he works in thee.? His covenant secures thy holiness, no less than thine acceptance – thine holiness, not, as some would have it, as the gound, but as the fruit, of thine acceptance.? Let the one then be primarily sought; and the other will assuredly follow.? “I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts…for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sins no more.’? (Jer. 31: 33, 34)'”

More Gleanings from Charles Bridges: Proverbs 13:18

Proverbs 13:18 says, “Poverty and shame shall be to him that refuseth instruction:? but he that regardeth reproof shall be honoured.”

“The instruction of discipline is God’s ordinance.? Little do those who refuse it know, what a blessing they cast away! (Hebrews 12:10,11)? Poverty and shame are often the Lord’s rod for his wayward children (Luke 15:12-16); two dreaded evils— the one bringing them to want; the other hiding their heads; both disappointing “the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eye, and the pride of life.”? (1 John 2:16)? Young persons! learn to dread the liberty of being left to your own choice.? Dread the first step in the downward course, refusing instruction…Know your besetting temptation, ‘as the horse and the mule’? (Ps. 32:9), impatient of restraint.? If godly remonstrance be slighted, all may end in poverty and shame, embittered with the poignant sting of death-bed remorse. (chap. 5:11)…If we be humbled under his reproof, we shall be raised to his throne. (1Pt. 5:6)? Pleasant indeed are his words to his well-disciplined child.? To have our ears open to receive discipline, is to walk in the path of life and happiness (chap. 6:23.? Job 36:10-12); the honour of conformity to our Divine Saviour.”

Proverbs 12:25

Heaviness in the heart of man maketh it stoop:? but a good word maketh it glad.

Charles Bridges says this in his commentary on Proverbs:

“…Know we not the voice–‘It is I; be not afraid?'(Matt.14:27)? Human sympathy may give temporary relief.? But ‘that was the grace, softer than oil, sweeter than roses, which flows from the Saviour’s lips into the sinner’s wounds; and being poured into the contrite heart, not only heals, but blesses it, yea, and marks it out for eternal blessedness.? Oh!? how sweet is the voice of pardon to a soul groaning under the burden of sin!’? David, but for these good words, ‘would have perished in his affliction.'(Ps.119:92)? What beside made glad the jailor’s stooping heart?? (Acts 16:28-34)? Precious indeed is the privilege, to strengthen the weak hands ‘with a good word of God’ (Isa 35:3,4); to take the chair by the mourner’s side, and ‘comfort him with the same comfort, wherewith? we ourselves are comforted of God.’ (2 Cor. 1:4).? Precious is the ministry of the gospel, commissioned with the gladdening word to the heavy of heart.? (Job 33:23-26.? Isa. 40:1,2)? Yet more precious the office of the Beloved Saviour, ‘gifted with the tongue of the learned,’ and filled with the unction of the Spirit, for the express purpose of ‘comforting them that mourn.’? How tenderly did He perform this office, let his last sermon testify. (John 14-16)? See then the provision for joy, so rich, so free, so ready.”