Resources for Christian Women, Encouragement for Families

Birthday Party and German Musicians

A Proverbs 31 woman does not stay home and eat chips and dip all day. In fact, rarely. If ever! She is serving others: her family, friends, people the Lord brings across her path. This week our family is able to host 2 German musicians here on a Blue Lake exchange tour. They are in an orchestra.

We are thankful for such opportunities where we can open our home ( which actually is the Lord’s home!) and share the love of Christ. We provide food, shelter, and opportunities to see what an American family lives like. One of the keys to offering hospitality is to be prepared (with food, a plan, etc.) yet, to be flexible. Since the students arrived last night, already some planned events were canceled (due to instruments still being left behind in Germany) and new events have been lined up. Flexibility is key!

Today, my youngest child and I will play some fiddling tunes at our friend’s 90th birthday! He is a wood carver who has a zest for life! We have friends of all ages. This friend and his wife have reminded us to be thankful for each day the Lord gives, to live life to the fullest, and to keep learning new things. Recently, this friend was given an aquarium with fish to take care of. Also, he and his wife take regular “field trips” (aka outings….and not just to the doctor’s office).

When I wrote the blog entry about swimming, my 11 yr. old asked what that had to do with being a Proverbs 31 woman.

Well, the Proverbs 31 woman girds her loins with strength, she takes care of her health by eating well, exercising, and taking care of herself. “Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit.” A Proverbs 31 woman is a woman who fears the Lord; she keeps everything in balance.