Resources for Christian Women, Encouragement for Families

Monthly Archives: October 2006

New Grandparents!

My husband and I recently learned that we’ll be Grandparents next April!! But, then I was thinking, actually we are already! Little Munchkin (as we all call him or her) is already a person so we are Grandparents already!! It’s funny and interesting some of the comments we’ve received: (My thoughts in response are in parenthesis.)

Already?! They just got married! (Well, you’re right, but God gives His gifts even on honeymoons!)

You’re too young to be Grandparents! (Why, thank-you.)

When is the baby due? (Well, most babies are born at around the 9 month mark!)

Being Grandparents is easier than being Parents. (Who said I want the easy way in life?)

on and on…….

How thankful I was (and my husband) to receive the following note from very good friends yesterday:

“Good times!


Best Wishes!

Congratulations! We are so happy for you and your family. There is a whole new world waiting for the two of you. God is truly great and His blessings beyond compare. Wishing you both all the best as you anticipate the first child of a new generation….Love.”

Then, tucked into a little pocket was this passage from the Bible: “But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord’s love is with those who fear Him, and His righteousness with THEIR CHILDREN’s CHILDREN – with those that keep His covenant and remember to obey His precepts. Psalm 103:17-18”

How refreshing it was to get that special card!! Children truly are a gift from God!!