I acquired my Polo by Ralph Lauren at the Edison Street Sale last Saturday. Everyone’s heard of Ralph Lauren, but have you heard of the Edison Street Sale? It’s an annual event now in our city, usually held the first Sat. of June, although that’s spilled over to include the few days prior and a couple days after.
People actually come from out of state now to shop the Edison Street Sale. Many people, like me, make a list of things to look for at this event; my list this year included a new winter jacket, some tennis shoes or sandals,milk glass dishes to add to my collection, a pair of summer shorts (I haven’ t worn them in years but my wonderful 13 yr. old daughter practically coerced me into getting a pair this year), a globe for my friend named Jennifer, a shirt or jacket for my husband, something for my new grandchild, and some tomato cages.
I found just about everything on my list within an hour or two. But it’s funny, I never made it onto Edison Street. You see, over the years the adjacent blocks, including mine, have joined in the fun. Yes, it’s still called the Edison Street Sale, but it spans several blocks now. I didn’t even make it off my block; actually, I still had money in my pocket, but I had four bags of goodies to carry after going to about 6 houses and so I went home and put away my loot!
I missed getting my annual hotdog sold by the boy scouts on Edison Street. But, I found a Polo by Ralph Lauren! Enjoy the Summer.
ps. maybe you can start such an event in your town