Resources for Christian Women, Encouragement for Families


Family Devotions: a Very Important Tradition

Our church denomination’s magazine, called New Horizons, recently had an uplifting article called “Family Devotions: Passing Down a Tradition.” The article gives many examples of families forming the habit of reading Scripture together,memorizing it, praying, singing hymns/songs to the Lord, and discussing the Lord’s work in their lives. What struck me was the evidence of God working in a covenantal way in families, from generation to generation to generation.

That could be a whole study in itself, and entire books have been written about covenant theology. What is important in this brief column today is the importance of family devotions. Deuteronomy 11:18-19 says, “You shall therefore lay up these words of mine in your heart and in your soul…You shall teach them to your children, talking of them when you are sitting in your house.”

Having family devotions does take discipline. It means keeping children at the table in order to open up the Word. It means saying no to the doorbell ringing, phone ringing, the computer clamoring for attention, a host of activities that could usurp some time to read and pray. Forming the habit takes effort and time. But we need to take advantage of these family eating times to feast also upon our Lord, too.

First Grandchild is Born!

What a wonderful thing bearing children is!! Now, becoming a Grandma is a reality! Our grandson was born after 2 days of labor. The water broke early Monday morning and by 3:13am Wed. the little boy was born. Children are a gift, a blessing, a joy!

Patrick on Day 1
Although my grandson lives out of state, I’m determined that I can still be a caring Grandma – even if it’s long-distance. With email, internet, phones, I am able to bridge the communication gap. Plus, I love old-fashioned road trips to Virginia, even done in a long weekend.

God has placed another person in my family to nurture and to reach out to. I can tell this little one about Jesus who came to earth as a babe and died the painful and shameful death on the cross that my sins may be covered over. I can, by His grace and mercy, impact yet another generation for the Gospel of Christ.

I can and do say with the Psalmist, “The Lord has done great things for me and I am filled with joy!”

Psalm 138:6

This verse from the Psalms says, “Though the Lord is on high, yet He regards the lowly; But the proud He knows from afar.”

Isn’t that awesome that the Lord has great concern for His people, those who put their trust wholly in Him? Some of the definitions in my American Heritage Dictionary for the word “regard” are: to look at attentively, observe closely, look upon or consider in a particular way, to consider or to take into account, and more. I was trying to find my 1828 Webster’s dictionary but it has been moved again! We all enjoy look words up in that tome because the definitions are usually so much more rich and meaningful and at times include Scripture verses. When I find it, I’ll update this!
Are we dependent on God? Are we trusting in Him alone for our salvation? Have we humbled ourselves before Him, thanking Him for His greatness, for His majesty, His mercy, His forgiveness? He is so awesome! He has, as it were, stooped and reached down to us to forgive us, to guide us, to bind up our wounds. He is attentive to us. Lord, how I thank You for YOUR very being, You are the great “I AM”, you are the Alpha and the Omega, You are the King of Kings!

Retreat Anyone?

I remember with great joy a few retreats I went to growing up. It’s a time to get away from the regular schedule and the commitments of life. It’s a time to focus spiritually and also have some recreation. Retreats can last a few hours or a day or 2 or so. We are hosting a day retreat for some tween girls. We went rollerskating at Riverside Arena, went sledding at the local sledding hill, ate good food, read Scripture, wrote down Bible verses and talked about them, wrote to a young lady volunteering in South Africa, prayed, played games, and ate some more.

One place I’d like to retreat to is the Machen Retreat Center in Virginia. I’ve read about it in our denominational magazine; sounds like a great place for a retreat.

Well, time to go.