Resources for Christian Women, Encouragement for Families

Happy Birthday Poem

I am half way to 98 now and this year my birthday fell on Easter!? Yesterday, the family celebrated Jesus’ Resurrection by attending Sunday School and the Worship Service at OHCC in Michigan.? Our Pastor preached about the love of God.? Right before the service began, a friend who is a new baby in Christ, came and sat by us.? My family and I? have been writing to him while he finishes his residential program at Life Challenge.? Folks, it really is all about Jesus.

Today, in the mail, I was so encouraged to receive this poem written by one of my 5 sisters.? The Poem is called, Jane.? God has been so merciful and gracious to me, and that is why I share this poem.


She arrived with the spring like

the first flowers each year,

And she remains as fresh as

the day she arrived, it appears.

She renews and refreshes her

family’s home,

comforts and nourishes the

children of her womb.

Her constancy and commitment

are a wonder to all,

Her faith in the Lord is certain,

and she has answered His every call.

Another generation will now

receive her love –

our Jane – as beautiful and

peaceful as a dove.

(Thank-you dear sister, MB!)