Resources for Christian Women, Encouragement for Families


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Introducing Jessie Dage, a Bingham Farms Mom

Here’s an introduction to Jessie’s new blog…

Why, hello there! Thanks for coming by. Would you like a cup o’ tea? Let’s sit a while, and I’ll introduce myself. 

Our Family

“My name is Jessie, and at 30, I’ve experienced just enough of life, grief, and parenting to know that I have so. much. more. to learn. I have two (and a half) kids. “Fireman” Andrew is four, and Louisa, exuberant and sweet, is two going on 20. Our tie-breaker is due in November. Spoiler alert: it’s a boy! My husband, Stephen, is an engineer through and through, as well as a wonderful dad. Last summer Stephen brought Frank, a 1972 firetruck with a working ladder, siren, and horn home to join our family. I can’t tell who loves him more, Andrew or Stephen?”

Continued in the link below…




Ready to Go!

It’s been a long time since writing here! There have been weddings, funerals, births, illness, misunderstandings, joys and trials. You’re right: life has been happening! So thankful to be a child of the King. Jesus Christ lived, was crucified and took the punishment I deserved for my sins. He rose again!

Reflections on Being a Parent

Being a parent is really a full time role.  You have a child and along with the gift comes a lifetime of responsibility.  It may not end at a clear cut time when you think or expect. But with God’s help, you persevere.

Sometimes when you think your responsibility may lessen, it does not. So, again, you move forward.  God can and will equip you as you persevere and put one wobbly step in front of the other.  You realize, too, you can accomplish feats and tasks you never expected to face.

This is all part of what I call The Journey, the span of time from cradle to grave as you make your mark on life — or maybe just meander through at times.

Rest assured, as a believer in Jesus Christ, I know He is with me and will never leave me nor forsake me. If I were to explain my daily life, some days would not make sense to anyone else.  I think that’s somewhat true for most folks, though.

I truly thank God for this journey and seek His guidance, blessing and strength.  When I’m older and grayer, I may be able to make sense of what I’m going through, but then again — maybe not.  But I can assuredly say, “He is God.  He is good.  He really does know what He’s doing.”

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