Resources for Christian Women, Encouragement for Families


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Proverbs 31

From Charles Bridges in his commentary, Proverbs:

“So rare is this treasure, that the challenge is given —- ‘Who can find a virtuous woman?’? Abraham sent to a distant land for this inestimable blessing for his beloved son.? Perhaps one reason of the rarity of the gift is, that it is so seldom sought.? Too often is the search made for accomplishments, not for virtues; for external and adventitious recommendations, rather than for internal godly worth…Truly her price is above rubies.? No treasure is comparable to her.”

On Being a Grandma

I just checked the mail and guess what I got?

Today, I received a birthday card from my grandson!

Yes, yes, it did make me cry!

How old is my grandson you ask?? He’ll be one in April ’08!

Thanks very much, D/R!!? That made my day!!

Many thanks to everyone who called, sent cards, gave cards, sent flowers and gave gifts. ? I am blessed!

Where Have all the Mothers Gone?

As I work on a more lengthy entry with that title, a few observations come to mind.

The setting is 40 years ago, a moderate mid-western town.? In the Summer, I’d play in the neighborhood as a child? and there were lots of children, lots of mothers, lots of joy.

Today, in the same town, during the Summer, I, now a mother and grandmother,see some children playing, some in their homes, but where have all the mothers gone?

The Shoe Box by Francine Rivers

If you’re looking for an inspirational book to read to your children or as a family, go to the library and check out The Shoe Box, by Francine Rivers.? It is wonderfully illustrated by Linda Dockey Graves.?? On the back cover it says, “Six -year old Timmy O’Neil comes to live with Mary and David Holmes on a cloudy day in September.? When Timmy arrives, he has very few things with him.? As he slowly makes new friends, he finds a chance to offer his small treasures to a very special someone.? A tender and moving story from beloved author Francine Rivers, retold especially for children ages 6-10.”

If I say much more I’ll spoil the adventure.? Francine Rivers even includes a page entitled:? How This Story Came to Be.? Themes of healing, mercy and joy shine through.? The Lord’s graciousness to adopt His children as His own is manifest in a special way.? Enjoy!

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