Resources for Christian Women, Encouragement for Families


Ode to Unemployment

He went into work just like
any old day.
The boss said, “Go home.”
So I knelt down to pray.

“Lord, it’s been 20 years
since he started that work,
and diligence was shown
never duties to shirk.”

The Lord said, “Be still,
in Me always trust,
not in men, things, and boats,
in the end, they’ll be dust.”

So together we took a deep breath
sucked it up.
We set some new goals and pled,
“Lord, fill our cup.”

Well, the freezer’s been full
thanks to Rev and our friends.
Bagels, bread, deer meat,
chicken, burger – what’er He sends.

The mortgage’s been paid
and the water bill too.
Our new pal Darlene
gave us more than one shoe.

Chinese lanterns were bartered
for a dinner and show.
Denise shared her salmon
so PJ could grow.

It’s certainly not been
all flowers and hot dogs,
but the Lord has been faithful
to pull us out of the bog.

Our work is not over
and our sleeves are rolled up
knowing that He’ll always be with us
in glory forever we’ll sup.

Unemployment? What’s that?
But a journey of trust.
To see what God’s plan is
living for Him, is a must.

Growing Up Under a Rock

Last Fall I had one of my older daughters say she felt like she grew up under a rock.? I was not offended at all, but it gave me some food for thought.? Alot of things ran through my mind.? “What does she mean by that?”? “Is she unhappy with her life?”

I told her that under God, my husband and I prayed for guidance as we raised our children (and still do).? I rest in the truth of His sovereign plan for His children.? We come before His throne daily to ask for help and direction.

Then, I started thinking, growing up under a rock isn’t so bad, really.? Years ago when my son still lived home, he would go outside with his youngest sister and together they would look under rocks.? To them, there was a treasure trove of life wiggling around under most rocks.? There were worms, and pillow bugs (curly bugs), moisture, and many other living things under the rocks.? So much so, they would sometimes run in the house and tell us of all the wonderful things under the rocks!

As we go through life and raise children, we offer them shelter, food, water, protection, provision, prayer, guidance.? We purpose to shield our children from many of the external influences that can creep in.? Much of that protection is intentional.? In a Christ-centered home, we take time to instruct in the ways of God, read Scripture, memorize passages/verses, pray together.? Many seeds of truth are planted and watered.? We gradually let go of our children and allow them to make more and more of their decisions.? With God’s help, much fruit results.

Under the solid Rock of Christ, much growth occurs.

Just in case one of your children tells you, “I grew up under a rock,” simply sigh and give Him thanks for the guidance and blessing He has given.? After all, there’s lots of life under rocks, usually.