Let’s pray for those families who lost loved ones in the tragedy in Virginia.
Let’s reach out to those around us, those God puts in our path.? Is someone sad, distraught?
Let’s be more thankful for the gifts the Lord bestows on us, and use those for His glory.
Let’s appreciate our families, loved ones, and friends – and let them know.
Let’s turn to the Lord and meditate on the words of the Bible, storing truth in our hearts.
“Oh Lord, thank-You that You are sovereign.? Help us to trust in You.? Be with those families who lost a loved
one in the tragic event on the university campus.? May many, many turn to You to find the peace, wisdom and
comfort they need.? In Jesus’ name.”
There’s a new baby in the family, or in a young family you know.
What can you do to assist?? Visit, bring a meal, cook some food for them and put leftovers in little containers to refrigerate or freeze for future meals.? Help the new dad check the fluids in the car(s).? Help do a small home/apartment repair that’s been needing to get done.? Pray with them.? Sing with them.? Hug them.? Encourage them. Rejoice with them. Talk with them.
Take a walk with them.? If they are going to be moving, help pack boxes.? Or, go get a bunch of boxes for them so when the time comes to pack, the boxes will be there.? Buy some packing tape to close the boxes.? Sweep the floors, wash the counters, do the dishes, hold the baby.? “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”
Serving others takes many shapes……..if we keep our eyes open we will begin to see many ways we can serve the family with the new baby…….even if it means taking out the garbage for them, or changing a diaper, or calming the baby.
We are anticipating a challenging time at our church’s missions fest this weekend. There will be speakers from out of town coming to talk about how God is working in different parts of the world. One will speak about the spread of the Gospel in France; another will talk about local churches sending teams of people out to different parts of the world. We will have times of worship together, and times of prayer together.
This is a time for the whole family to come out and sing, pray, learn, and grow together. We are to go into all the world and make disciples, teaching them to do what Jesus taught us. There will be a book table, too. If you know of any books about missions to add to the book table, let us know!
Hi Everyone: Treasures of Encouragement is the title of a book I borrowed for a couple weeks. The woman who lent it to me said it was one of the best books she’s ever read! The subtitle reads, ‘Women Helping Women in the Church’. The author is Sharon W. Betters and it is published by P and R Publishing.
Sharon explains that from a stable and secure relationship with Christ we can reach out to those around us, especially when they are needing encouragement. Some chapter titles are: Priceless Treasures of Encouragement and Taking Responsibility for One Another in part one, Thinking Biblically. In part two, Living Biblically, a few chapter titles are: Spiritual Mothering, Apples of God in Settings of Silver, and Treasures in the Wilderness of Suffering.
Looks like the book is available from several sources, so pick one up — it’s worthy study.