Celebrations, celebrations, celebrations…….that is what May and June typically consist of.? We celebrate the end of the school year.? We celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day.? There may be some bridal or baby showers, graduation parties, weddings, birthdays, etc.? The book of Ecclesiastes reminds us, there is a time for everything under heaven.? God is sovereign and He reigns on high.? As we live in His fear, that is – wanting His stamp of approval on everything we do, we begin to grow in wisdom.? As we celebrate and rejoice with those around us in their milestones,? let us be ever mindful of His utter goodness, His mercy and kindness towards us.
My life is changing.? I am seeing loved ones and elderly neighbors leave this earth.? I am seeing new babies being born.? I am, by God’s grace alone, learning to accept all of these events, to embrace the moment, to enjoy even more living in His presence.
There’s a new baby in the family, or in a young family you know.
What can you do to assist?? Visit, bring a meal, cook some food for them and put leftovers in little containers to refrigerate or freeze for future meals.? Help the new dad check the fluids in the car(s).? Help do a small home/apartment repair that’s been needing to get done.? Pray with them.? Sing with them.? Hug them.? Encourage them. Rejoice with them. Talk with them.
Take a walk with them.? If they are going to be moving, help pack boxes.? Or, go get a bunch of boxes for them so when the time comes to pack, the boxes will be there.? Buy some packing tape to close the boxes.? Sweep the floors, wash the counters, do the dishes, hold the baby.? “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”
Serving others takes many shapes……..if we keep our eyes open we will begin to see many ways we can serve the family with the new baby…….even if it means taking out the garbage for them, or changing a diaper, or calming the baby.
Well, Opa and I, along with 2 of our daughters (now Aunties), took a long weekend trip to the South to see our first grandchild.? A good friend emailed me and asked what that was like.? I would have to say that it’s truly indescribable.? Seeing the tiny fragile features of this little grandson up close, holding him in my arms, is just tremendous!? Words are inadequate.? God is so good, and His handiwork of creating a tiny new life in the womb, then being able to meet the little one that was formed in the secret place is truly only something a loving, Mighty, Powerful God could do.? As I leave the keyboard to shed a few quiet tears of utter joy, rejoice with our family in this birth.? Truly, God is good!