Proverbs 31 Woman

Resources for Christian Women, Encouragement for Families

Graduation – An ending or a beginning?

Much to my surprise I find myself preparing for another child’s graduation. I’ve been blessed with 6 children; one is with Jesus due to a miscarriage several years ago. Of the other five, I am now preparing for the fourth graduation.

When I think of graduation, I think of endings and beginnings. In our state, we have the opportunity to participate in formal homeschool graduations sponsored by CHEM (Christian Home Educators of Michigan). This is a wonderful opportunity to bring closure to the homeschooling years, if you’ve been homeschooling. This program allows us to participate in a God-glorifying event, complete with prayers, songs of praise, a message/charge, and the handing out of diplomas by the parents themselves. When the parent or parents give the diploma to his/their child, they are allowed a one minute spot to give a blessing to the student. This blessing may take the form of a prayer, Scripture, song, composition, or charge. This is truly a unique event and the blessings from the parent is very special.

This week, as my daughter goes through her memory boxes (3 or so) to decide what she may want to display at her open house, she is able to go down memory lane and process some highlights of what she’s been doing the past 17 years since she was born. Yes, some of the papers will end up in the trash, like the many math notebooks filled with page after page of answers and calculations. There are some treasures in the boxes, like the email sent from a dear Christian uncle who has since passed away, scripture memory verses scrawled on index cards, and encouraging notes form grandparents who have passed away.? There are some music and sports awards, some nice pieces of artwork, journals of God’s leading, etc.
After the ceremony and the open house, there will be new horizons for my daughter to explore…a new summer job as a life guard, new friendships, preparations for future work and honing cooking skills and other homemaking arts, more missions trips as God leads, …

Celebrate the passing of a period focused on study and living for the Lord as a student. Anticipate the adventures to come as God guides and directs the steps of these new graduates, young adults waiting on the Lord for guidance and direction.

20 Years of Faithfulness

Today, our congregation celebrated its 20 year anniversary.? Our Pastor has been preaching about addiction, temptation, Christ’s death on the cross to take our sins away, hope in the Saviour.? So, he continued the series.

An interesting observation is that as technology has developed greatly in the past 100 years, this has not improved our spiritual state.? We are just as much sinners today as the folks living 100 years ago, and going way back to biblical times.

I know this is kind of a rambling entry, but that’s ok.? An entry isn’t a polished essay to be handed into a professor.

The people in Old Testament times needed a Saviour just as much as the folks living in the Little House on the Prairie days.? And we need a Saviour just as much as all those folks.? How I give thanks for the Lord reaching down and changing my heart of stone into a heart of flesh, for washing my sins away by the blood of Jesus Christ!

After the service today, which included a celebration of the Lord’s Table (Communion), we set up tables to have a church luncheon, to sup together.? Everyone brought a dish to pass/share, and some ladies cooked chicken and pasta for all.? When we eat together, we get to know one another better.

Following the luncheon, there was a planned program of recounting the Lord’s work at our church which included a video clip of our pastor and a dvd summary of the past 20 years.? “Oh taste and see that the Lord is good!”? There was an open microphone for a while; several adults and children told how the Lord worked or recited Scripture.

It was a joyous celebration!

Pray for God to Bring Good out of the Tragedy

Let’s pray for those families who lost loved ones in the tragedy in Virginia.

Let’s reach out to those around us, those God puts in our path.? Is someone sad, distraught?

Let’s be more thankful for the gifts the Lord bestows on us, and use those for His glory.

Let’s appreciate our families, loved ones, and friends – and let them know.

Let’s turn to the Lord and meditate on the words of the Bible, storing truth in our hearts.

“Oh Lord, thank-You that You are sovereign.? Help us to trust in You.? Be with those families who lost a loved

one in the tragic event on the university campus.? May many, many turn to You to find the peace, wisdom and

comfort they need.? In Jesus’ name.”

Some Practical Ways to Help New Parents

There’s a new baby in the family, or in a young family you know.

What can you do to assist?? Visit, bring a meal, cook some food for them and put leftovers in little containers to refrigerate or freeze for future meals.? Help the new dad check the fluids in the car(s).? Help do a small home/apartment repair that’s been needing to get done.? Pray with them.? Sing with them.? Hug them.? Encourage them. Rejoice with them. Talk with them.

Take a walk with them.? If they are going to be moving, help pack boxes.? Or, go get a bunch of boxes for them so when the time comes to pack, the boxes will be there.? Buy some packing tape to close the boxes.? Sweep the floors, wash the counters, do the dishes, hold the baby.? “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might.”

Serving others takes many shapes……..if we keep our eyes open we will begin to see many ways we can serve the family with the new baby…….even if it means taking out the garbage for them, or changing a diaper, or calming the baby.